
Sometimes, matching against a lot of commands in the message handler can be cumbersome, and we just want to call functions for each command.

The standard framework can help us a lot then:

Let's take our example from where we left off in the first chapter:

// src/
use robespierre::CacheWrap;
use robespierre::EventHandlerWrap;
use robespierre::Context;
use robespierre::Authentication;
use robespierre::model::MessageExt;
use robespierre_cache::CacheConfig;
use robespierre_events::Connection;
use robespierre_http::Http;
use robespierre_models::channels::Message;
use robespierre_models::channels::MessageContent;
use robespierre_models::events::ReadyEvent;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let token = std::env::var("TOKEN")
        .expect("Cannot get token; set environment variable TOKEN=... and run again");

    let auth = Authentication::bot(token);
    let http = Http::new(&auth).await?;
    let connection = Connection::connect(&auth).await?;
    let context = Context::new(http, robespierre::typemap::ShareMap::custom()).with_cache(CacheConfig::default());
    let handler = Handler;
    let handler = CacheWrap::new(EventHandlerWrap::new(handler));, handler).await?;


struct Handler;

impl robespierre::EventHandler for Handler {
    async fn on_ready(&self, ctx: Context, ready: ReadyEvent) {
        tracing::info!("We're ready!");

    async fn on_message(&self, ctx: Context, message: Message) {
        if matches!(&message.content, MessageContent::Content(s) if s == "ping") {
            let _ = message.reply(&ctx, "pong").await;

Now, let's get rid of the on_ready and on_message functions:

// src/
use robespierre::CacheWrap;
use robespierre::EventHandlerWrap;
use robespierre::Context;
use robespierre::Authentication;
use robespierre::model::MessageExt;
use robespierre_cache::CacheConfig;
use robespierre_events::Connection;
use robespierre_http::Http;
use robespierre_models::channels::Message;

// --snip--
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let token = std::env::var("TOKEN")
        .expect("Cannot get token; set environment variable TOKEN=... and run again");

    let auth = Authentication::bot(token);

    let http = Http::new(&auth).await?;
    let connection = Connection::connect(&auth).await?;

    let context = Context::new(http, robespierre::typemap::ShareMap::custom()).with_cache(CacheConfig::default());
    let handler = Handler;
    let handler = CacheWrap::new(EventHandlerWrap::new(handler));, handler).await?;


struct Handler;

impl robespierre::EventHandler for Handler {}

The signature of an event handler is defined as the robespierre::framework::standard::CommandCodeFn type, and looks like this:

fn command<'a>(
    ctx: &'a FwContext, // similar to Context
    msg: &'a Arc<Message>,
    args: &'a str,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=CommandResult> + Send + 'a>>;

To hide the nastier implementation details, the robespierre::framework::standard::macros::command macro helps a little, and turns this:

async fn command(
    ctx: &FwContext,
    msg: &Message,
) -> CommandResult {

Into a function that can be given where robespierre::framework::standard::CommandCodeFn is expected.

For parsing arguments, see the chapter on extractors, but for now we'll just ignore them.

First, let's start with a ping command:

// src/
use robespierre::CacheWrap;
use robespierre::EventHandlerWrap;
use robespierre::Context;
use robespierre::Authentication;
use robespierre::model::MessageExt;
use robespierre::framework::standard::{FwContext, CommandResult, macros::command};
use robespierre_cache::CacheConfig;
use robespierre_events::Connection;
use robespierre_http::Http;
use robespierre_models::channels::Message;

// --snip--
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let token = std::env::var("TOKEN")
        .expect("Cannot get token; set environment variable TOKEN=... and run again");

    let auth = Authentication::bot(token);

    let http = Http::new(&auth).await?;
    let connection = Connection::connect(&auth).await?;

    let context = Context::new(http, robespierre::typemap::ShareMap::custom()).with_cache(CacheConfig::default());

    let handler = Handler;
    let handler = CacheWrap::new(EventHandlerWrap::new(handler));, handler).await?;


async fn ping(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult {
    msg.reply(ctx, "pong").await?;

struct Handler;

impl robespierre::EventHandler for Handler {}

Now, let's go build a StandardFramework:

// src/
use robespierre::CacheWrap;
use robespierre::EventHandlerWrap;
use robespierre::Context;
use robespierre::Authentication;
use robespierre::model::MessageExt;
use robespierre::framework::standard::{FwContext, CommandResult, macros::command};
use robespierre::framework::standard::{StandardFramework, Command, CommandCodeFn};
use robespierre_cache::CacheConfig;
use robespierre_events::Connection;
use robespierre_http::Http;
use robespierre_models::channels::Message;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // --snip--

    let token = std::env::var("TOKEN")
        .expect("Cannot get token; set environment variable TOKEN=... and run again");

    let auth = Authentication::bot(token);

    let http = Http::new(&auth).await?;
    let connection = Connection::connect(&auth).await?;

    let context = Context::new(http, robespierre::typemap::ShareMap::custom()).with_cache(CacheConfig::default());

    let fw = StandardFramework::default()
        .configure(|c| c.prefix("!"))
        .group(|g| {
                .command(|| Command::new("ping", ping as CommandCodeFn))

    // --snip--
    let handler = Handler;
    let handler = CacheWrap::new(EventHandlerWrap::new(handler));, handler).await?;


async fn ping(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult {
    msg.reply(ctx, "pong").await?;

struct Handler;

impl robespierre::EventHandler for Handler {}

And now let's also use it:

// src/
use robespierre::CacheWrap;
use robespierre::EventHandlerWrap;
use robespierre::Context;
use robespierre::Authentication;
use robespierre::model::MessageExt;
use robespierre::framework::standard::{FwContext, CommandResult, macros::command};
use robespierre::framework::standard::{StandardFramework, Command, CommandCodeFn};
use robespierre::FrameworkWrap;
use robespierre_cache::CacheConfig;
use robespierre_events::Connection;
use robespierre_http::Http;
use robespierre_models::channels::Message;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // --snip--

    let token = std::env::var("TOKEN")
        .expect("Cannot get token; set environment variable TOKEN=... and run again");

    let auth = Authentication::bot(token);

    let http = Http::new(&auth).await?;
    let connection = Connection::connect(&auth).await?;

    let context = Context::new(http, robespierre::typemap::ShareMap::custom()).with_cache(CacheConfig::default());

    let fw = StandardFramework::default()
        .configure(|c| c.prefix("!"))
        .group(|g| {
                .command(|| Command::new("ping", ping as CommandCodeFn))

    let handler = FrameworkWrap::new(fw, Handler);
    let handler = CacheWrap::new(EventHandlerWrap::new(handler));

    // --snip--, handler).await?;


async fn ping(ctx: &FwContext, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult {
    msg.reply(ctx, "pong").await?;

struct Handler;

impl robespierre::EventHandler for Handler {}

Then run:

TOKEN=... cargo run

And send "!ping" in a channel where the bot can see it. If everything went correctly, the bot should reply with "pong" to your message.

For the source code of this, see the the framework-example-bot example.